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Updated Glossary of Military Speak and Catchy Sayings. A special thanks to Sgt. Rocco Rock Matta, Sgt. Jason Burchard and Sgt. Charrnessa Tidwell for updating the Old Knuckle Dragger on the new Lingo I left the old terms in here for the old Warriors to chuckle at. AABDUs. Army Battle Dress Uniforms. Download T Baggin Ludacris' title='Download T Baggin Ludacris' />Watch Pornstars Aubrey Addams Mckenzee Miles online on YouPorn. YouPorn is the biggest Anal porn video site with the hottest pornstar movies Visit http for all YGOTAS episodes a week in advance Buy Brooklyn Rage shirts from sharkrobot. Cocky is Kid Rocks third major release under Atlantic Records, and his studio fifth studio album overall, released in 2001. The album is Kid Rocks first to feature. Features/v4/40/6d/93/406d9369-1bb1-1d62-0f84-e6a9ac9e8d5e/V4HttpAssetRepositoryClient-ticket.dxvsyxvl.jpg-5902057657664152372.jpg/1200x600bf.jpg' alt='Download T Baggins' title='Download T Baggins' />Air Thief. Someone who is using up good air has qualified for extinction. Affirmative. This means YES, understood. A. J. Squared Away. Someone who is anal about organization, or just plain organized. AMTRAC. A large tracked vehicle used to transport Marines. Angel of Death. The Beautiful Round eyed Woman that takes you to the Big Base Camp. AO. Area of operation. Where you blow shit up. Army. Aint Really a Marine Yet. ARTY. Artillery. Also called Steel Rain. ASS. Used as a slang for a weapon system, Were rollin with a lot of ass today. Fire PowerAss piss. The shits, Hersey Squirts, diarrhea. Asshole. Uptight, critical generally an annoying person. Ass in the grass. Someone in the field., usually a Grunt. Dishonored Trainer Pc there. AT4 Rocket. A shoulder fired anti tank rocket good for blowin shit up. Assume the Position. Drop down and get ready to feel the Goodness that is, Pain. BB. Street. Used to be a street in Okinawa filled with bars and fine looking women now called escorts. Hook Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley My jeans are never empty bitch Beamer, Benz, Or Bentley Beamer, Benz, Or. ICAST whats new iCAST if you havent heard of it is a huge trade show in the USA, we would love to go, its invite only. CAST is where all the major fishing brands. Change up your accessories for spring by browsing our free purse quilt patterns. Youll have purses, lunch bags, and totes to choose fromstart looking today at free. The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedias notability guideline for standalone lists. Please help to establish notability by citing reliable secondary. Baby Wipe Wars. What Troops call the Iraq and Afghan Wars. BDUs. Battle Dress Uniform. Military clothing you wear into the bush. Marines called them Utilities, the Army called them Fatigues. Dont know why Belt Fed. Rounds linked together for a machine gun. Or, That guy is a belt fed son of a bitch
Big Book of Words. What Marines call the Dictionary. Black Hawk. A helicopter used in the Iraq and Afghan Wars. Blue on Blue. Friendly Fire. Flash Games Swf Files. Being shot at by your own Troops. Body Armor. Also called a flak jacket. A heavy vest that might protect you against shrapnel and some small arms fire. Boom Boom. Screwing, in Vietnamese slang speak. Boonie Cap. A soft cover field hat. Marines call their hat, a cover. Boot. Someone new to the military, usually in Boot Camp. Or someone just new in the unit. Bouncing Betty. A kind of landmine, that jumps up out of the ground and blows your balls off. Bradley. An M 2 or M 3 tank used to make the day unpleasant for the enemy. Brain Fart. Bad output from the brain housing group to your mouth. Bad choice of words. Brain Grenade. Usually a beer, but anything capable of joyfully killing brain cells. Brain Housing Group. The small, cluttered human brain. Green colored substance in a Marines head. Briefing. An explanation of something you need to know. Buck up. A term used to make Troops bear their pain. Buffalo. An IED resistant vehicle used in Iraq and Afghanistan costs about 7. Bug Fuck. Small, intense, overly active. Also, something driving you crazy. Bullet magnet. Anything that draws enemy bullets to your position. Burn the Shitters. A 5. 5 gallon drum, cut in half, and filled with shit. Burning the shit was done with diesel, over long intellectual conversations. Bush. Usually means out on patrol in the landscape. Or it can mean a bush, vegetation. DIRTIES aka Hajji, A Rabs, and many other colorful names. But me and my buddies call em dirties cause they were simply dirty fucks. Sgt. RockCCake Eater. Usually a soft bodied, self involved Politician. Camel pack. A backpack filled with water. You suck on., through a small tube. Carpet Bombing. B 5. Moon. Unpleasant to the enemy and all life. Case Evac. To evacuate a casualty. Cautious Compassion. Exercise cautious compassion with the safety off Marine diplomacy on the battlefield Chin up, head down, and one round in the chamber, in case you stick the bayonet. A catchy Marine saying, used by Wise and Knowing Sergeants. Means to be prepared, alert, and ready for the unexpected. Chinook. A twin bladed helicopter used to transport Troops and supplies. Chow. The especially tasty food of Marines and Soldiers. Usually just like Mom used to make, only she didnt shit in it. Chow Hall. The Gourmet Kitchen of Marines, serving only the finest of foods, and staffed by world renowned chefs. Cleared Hot Incoming support, cleared to drop ordnance bombs to make our enemies meet Jesus. Cleared Hot. Permission to fire your weapon. Click. One click is one kilometer 1. Cluster Fuck. Nothings working right, Murphy in complete control. Cobra Gunship. The AH 1 Cobra Attack Helicopter. No shit, Death From Above Code of Honor. Riflemans Code Living Honorably. Combat Jack. Exercisin old Chester in the field masturbation. Condition One. To put your weapon on Red Con One. That is, to chamber a round and get ready to Get Some Corpsman. A Navy person, medically trained who saves Marines in combat. Cover. What Marines call a hat. Crabbing. Walking on all fours, as low to the ground as is possible. C Rats. C Rations. Crotch. What only Marines may reverently call the Marine Corps. Crotcher. A Marine. CRS. Cant Remember Shit. Common to all Combat Warriors. DDanger Close. When an air strike or Artillery is close enough to kill your ass. DCUs Desert Camouflage Uniform. Yet another military way to name your battlefield clothes. Death before Dishonor. A Code of Conduct that Marines live by. Means you die before you turn to chicken shit and wimp out. Dee Dee Mau. Misspelled Vietnamese for get the hell out. Devil Dogs. Marines. Our mascot is the Bull Dog. Digitals. Also called Diggies. Your battlefield clothing that comes in wonderful blending colors. Dinky Dow. Crazy in Vietnamese, used by Vets from that era. Ditty Bop. Means to walk casually. Donkey Dicks. Usually a radiator hose or anything resembling the little brain housing group. You know, Old Chester, a dick, a penis. Down Range. Meaning to be deployed in a Combat Zone. Dry Firing. Practicing firing your weapon without ammo. Duffle Bag. Same as a Sea Bag. A large green canvas bag to stuff all of your lifes possessions in to get beat to hell in travel. Dust Off. When the choppers lift off. EEagle Shits. Payday in the Marine Corps. Comes from the Eagle on the Marine Corps Emblem. E Tool. A small folding shovel used to dig holes for shitting and sleeping. Extraction Point. Thats your exit point, how and where youre gonna leave a location. FField Strip. To partially break down your weapon and clean it. Fire Mission. Calling in an air strike or artillery. Flush the Toilet of Humanity. Someone needs to meet Jesus right away. Fly Paradise. A brown, shit covered world where some people, who make poor decisions, go to visit. Some stay a long time. FNG. Fucking new guy. Usually someone just in country, or new to a unit. FO. Forward Observer. Someone way up front callin in bombs and gathering intelligence. Foot Locker. A small green box that you hope no one inspects, and where you hide your contraband. Usually kept at the foot of your rack. Foot Mobile. A person on foot. Forty Mike Mike. Refers to the millimeter of the round that is fired by the Mark 1. This is a rapid fire grenade launcher. A wonderful weaponFrag. A fragmentary hand grenade, with about a seven second fuse. A life time to wait. Free Fire Zone. Everybody is the bad guy. You can killem all. Oh boy Friendly Fire. This is also called Blue on Blue. It means youre gettin shot at by your own side. Frosty. Means staying alert. FUBAR. Fucked Up Beyond All Reason. Fuck. Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, etc. One of the two most useful and often used words in the vast Marine vocabulary. Fucking A Marine term for Yes Right on Fungly. Fuckin Ugly. GGarrison. The dreaded assignment to a base stateside.