Oracle.Dataaccess.Client Dll

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C, VB. NET, ASP. NET, CCLI, Java, VB6 Windows SQL Server. Windows PowerShell for Oracle. Windows PowerShell for Oracle Tips. Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonJuly 7, 2015. KKRH.jpg' alt='Oracle.Dataaccess.Client Dll' title='Oracle.Dataaccess.Client Dll' />Oracle.Dataaccess.Client DllWindows Power. Shell Tips. Windows Power. Shell for Oracle Tips. Oracle Database Tips by Donald Burleson. July 7, 2. 01. 5Question  I want to change the PATH variable. ODP. NETFillNull1 Insider. NET IT. ODP. NET ODT Client tnsnames. Windows server, and I dont want to have to go. How can I use Power. Shell to. chage all PATH statements on my whole Windows environment Answer  To change all with a. Power. Shell you start by opening a Power. Shell window.   Press the Start. You should now see a DOS. Power. Shell command. PS c users As an. Powershekll as admin runas user yourdomainyouruserplusadmin. Now that you are connected to the Windows. Power. Shell, then you can access the environment assemblyenvironment set. Environment. VariablePATH,c oracleproduct1. C WINDOWS C WINDOWSsystem. C Program. FilesPutty C Program FilesPerforce C Program FilesTortoise. JUGEM Source and Project MicrosoftOracle. Oracle DataAccessOracleSQL Oracle. DataAccess. This can also happen if your Oracle client DLL version number is mildly different from the reference you have in Visual Studio and even if you set that references. C Oracle ,. Oracle.Dataaccess.Client DllOracle.Dataaccess.Client DllOracle.Dataaccess.Client DllSVNbin C WINDOWSsystem. Windows. Power. Shellv. MACHINEMACHINE is a for a Machine wide setting and USER is for a USER wide. Using Power. Shell on Oracle. One of the greatest shortcomings of running Windows with Oracle is the. DOS command line scripting. Can Expansion Tank Be Installed Upside Down. There are 3rd. Windows scripting tools such as UNIXDos, a toolkit from Professional. Software Solutions that provides all of the UNIX like functions. There is also the MKS toolkit for running shell. Windows. Microsoft released Windows Services For UNIX SFU to more closely. UNIX shells and UNIX utilities to ease the migration. UNIX to a Windows environment. While SFU is certainly a more. UNIX. scripts to Windows. Microsoft has introduced Windows Power. Shell for Oracle, a new command. Microsoft, the same people who brought you. Windows Vista.   Windows Power. Shell  is based on object oriented. Microsoft. NET framework. Here is an example of Windows Power. Shell script making a connection. Oracle to execute SQL connection. String Data SourceXE User Idoracle Passwordmypass   Integrated SecuritynoSystem. Reflection. Assembly    Load. With. Partial. NameSystem. Data. Oracle. Clientconnection New Object   System. Data. Oracle. Client. Oracle. Connectionconnection. Stringquery. String SELECT COUNTLASTNAME FROM EMPLOYEEScommand new Object   System. Data. Oracle. Client. Oracle. Commandquery. String, connectionconnection. Openemployees. Names command. Execute. Scalarecho Number of employees employees. Namesconnection. CloseResult of the script PSC scripts. GAC   Version        Location            True  v. C WINDOWSassemblyGAC3. System. Data.                      Oracle. Client2. 0. 0. 0b. System. Data. Orac. Number of employees 1. Lets see the detail of the script connection. String   Data SourceXE User Idoracle Passwordmypass   Integrated SecuritynoWe create a variable containing the connection string to. Data Source the name of the database. User Id username with whom you want to connect. Password password for the user. Integrated Security no. Guy Harrison has. Oracle with Windows Power. Shell You need to install the Oracle Data Provider for. NET. Once that is done, you load it in Power. Shell using this command Load the ODP assembly Reflection. Assembly Load. FileC oracle1. ODP. NETbin2. xOracle. Data. Access. dllOf course, c oracle1. Oracle home. Its non trivial to get this from the registry so make sure that this path. Now we can. use the ODP. NET variants of standard ADO. NET  calls to connect to. Oracle and extract results. I setup my connection to Oracle as. Oracle. constr User Idsystem Passwordmanager Data. Sourcegh. 10gbconn. New Object Oracle. Data. Access. Client. Oracle. Connectionconstr. OpenMy TNS alias was gh. Now I have a connection handle conn, I can create a data reader object for. SQL query Create a. SQL statement sqlselect from alluserscommand New Object. Oracle. Data. Access. Client. Oracle. Command sql,connreadercommand. Execute. ReaderFrom this point on, everything is ADO. NET standard.   You can look at. Write out the result set structure for i0 i lt reader. Field. Count i. Write Host  reader. Get. Namei reader. Get. Data. Type. Namei And write out the results like this Write out the results while reader. Get. String0. useridreader. Enb Series Mod Gta Sa. Get. Decimal1    create. Datereader. Get. Date. Time2        Write Host userid username create.